Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Research
Dedicated to
Closing the Gap
As an Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS) with nearly 25 years of experience, we are a trusted and respected leader in the Toowoomba and Darling Downs region, dedicated to responding to and delivering essential services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
This longstanding commitment drives our primary research focus on improving outcomes for First Nations Australians.
We collect data and implement Indigenous projects via the following avenues:

Carbal Clinical Services

Carbal Community Outreach

Darling Downs & Southern Downs Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community
According to the 2021 Australian Bureau of Statistics Census, approximately 8,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders reside in Toowoomba, while approximately 2,000 live in Warwick.
Meaningful Engagement
Carbal Institute prioritises meaningful engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in every research project.
This commitment includes fostering trusting relationships, honoring cultural protocols, and actively involving community members throughout the research process.
In doing so, we ensure that our research is relevant, ethically sound, and delivers impactful outcomes that benefit the communities we serve.
Innovation & Case Studies
Innovation plays a crucial role in shaping collation methods to ensure they are culturally appropriate, maximise outcomes, and achieve research objectives.
Questionnaires or online surveys are used to gather standardised information from a large number of respondents.
Surveys can be conducted face-to-face, over the phone, at community events or online.
One-on-One Interviews
Conducted in our General Practice Clinics or appropriate cultural settings, our interviews offer personalized insights and in-depth perspectives on research topics.
Data Extraction
Our information systems are equipped with extensive coding and analysis capabilities, enabling us to meticulously extract cohorts that align seamlessly with our research principles at any given juncture.
Community Days
Held on site or in a local park, it provides valuable opportunities to collect data through direct engagement with community members in a relaxed and interactive setting.
Groups include: Women’s Wellness Day; Flu Day; Men’s Day; NAIDOC Celebrations
Systematically observe and record behaviours and events in real-time during our group sessions to gain external perspectives and delve into client improvements.
Case Studies
A detailed examination of a single instance or a small number of instances allows us to understand complexities and contextualise them within a cultural settings.
Focus Groups
Held on country or in our Yarnin circle, it offers a qualitative method to explore complex issues, gather diverse perspectives, and generate detailed insights that can inform further research or practical applications.
Groups include: Elders; Strong Mothers; Strong Fathers; Youth; Health Professionals; Stakeholders
Research Burden
Carbal Institute mitigates research burdens by leveraging its extensive community reach, diverse project focus areas, and innovative engagement methodologies.
Acknowledging our active involvement in various programs, Carbal Institute ensures that our engagement is widespread and agile in addressing evolving research challenges. This proactive approach enables us to deliver meaningful outcomes that directly benefit the diverse communities we serve.
Our Research Partners
Partner with Carbal Institute
Our ongoing participation in research projects underscores our commitment to generating valuable insights and facilitating policy improvements for better outcomes for everyone in our community.
Learn more about how your organisation can become involved with a research partnership with Carbal Institute now: