About Us

Carbal Institute

Improving Health Outcomes
Through Research

Carbal Institute is an integral branch of Carbal Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Services dedicated to research and contributions in the field of healthcare in Australia.

Carbal Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Services trades as Carbal Medical Services and is registered as an Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS) / Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (ACCHO).

We are dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through influential research, knowledge exchange, and contributions to strategic and ethical research projects.

We also work with and support students in their research endeavours through mentoring because we believe in nurturing the next generation of scholars and fostering innovation in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research.

Community-Controlled Primary Healthcare

Carbal is an organisation that is for the people, by the people.

Being community-controlled means we are governed and operated by members of the community that we service. This ensures that we are directly accountable to the community, reflecting its values, priorities, and needs. 

Our Core Values:


Cultural Relevance




Carbal’s Commitment to Indigenous Leadership

In 2024, Carbal adopted a new constitution that allows employees who have been with the organisation for at least 12 months to become Members of the Company. The new constitution ensures that the membership consists of 75% identifying as Indigenous and 25% non-Indigenous.

This structure has been carefully designed to maintain Carbal’s status as predominantly controlled by Indigenous Australians, aligning with its mission and values as an Aboriginal Medical Service.

Our Locations & Reach

Clinical Sites:

125 Russell Street, Toowoomba

125 Russell Street



55 Wood Street, Warwick

55 Wood Street



36 King Street, Warwick

36 King Street



125 Russell Street, Toowoomba

125 Russell Street



55 Wood Street, Warwick

55 Wood Street



36 King Street, Warwick

36 King Street



Community Outreach Sites:

18-24 Charnley Street, Toowoomba

18-24 Charnley Street



27 Mort Street, Toowoomba

27 Mort Street


7 Foundry Street, Toowoomba

7 Foundry Street


69 Guy Street, Warwick

69 Guy Street



Our Geographic Footprint

Carbal Institute advocates for the health needs of rural areas as per the Department of Health and Aged Care’s Modified Monash Model (MMM).

Darling Downs: MM2

Southern Downs: MM4

Meet the Team

Learn more about Carbal Institute’s team of committed professionals who are actively engaging with the community in the most suitable manner to gather essential elements and data for research projects.

Our Team